Design the corresponding flowchart and create a trace table to determine the values of the variables in each step of the next program for two different executions.

The input values for the two executions are (i) 10, and (ii) 51.


  $a = trim(fgets(STDIN));

  $y = 5;
  if ($a * 2 > 100) {
    $a = $a * 3;
    $y = $a * 4;
  echo $a, " ", $y;


public static void main(String[] args) throws { cin = new
  int a, y;

  a = Integer.parseInt(cin.readLine());

  y = 5;
  if (a * 2 > 100) {
    a = a * 3;
    y = a * 4;
  System.out.println(a + " " + y);


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
  int a, y;

  cin >> a;

  y = 5;
  if (a * 2 > 100) {
    a = a * 3;
    y = a * 4;
  cout << a << " " << y;
  return 0;


static void Main() {
  int a, y;

  a = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

  y = 5;
  if (a * 2 > 100) {
    a = a * 3;
    y = a * 4;
  Console.Write(a + " " + y);

Visual Basic

Sub Main()
  Dim a, y As Integer

  a = Console.ReadLine()

  y = 5
  If a * 2 > 100 Then
    a = a * 3
    y = a * 4
  End If

  Console.Write(a & " " & y)

End Sub


a = int(input())

y = 5
if a * 2 > 100:
    a = a * 3
    y = a * 4

print(a, y)

The flowchart is shown here.

The trace tables for each input are shown here.

i. For the input value of 10, the trace table looks like this.


Step Statement Notes $a $y
1 $a = trim(fgets(STDIN)) User enters the value 10 10 ?
2 $y = 5 10 5
3 if ($a * 2 > 100) This evaluates to false
4 echo $a, " ", $y The values 10, 5 are displayed


Step Statement Notes a y
1 a = Integer.parseInt(cin.readLine()) User enters the value 10 10 ?
2 y = 5 10 5
3 if (a * 2 > 100) This evaluates to false
4 System.out.println(a + " " + y) The values 10, 5 are displayed


Step Statement Notes a y
1 cin >> a User enters the value 10 10 ?
2 y = 5 10 5
3 if (a * 2 > 100) This evaluates to false
4 cout << a << " " << y The values 10, 5 are displayed


Step Statement Notes a y
1 a = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) User enters the value 10 10 ?
2 y = 5 10 5
3 if (a * 2 > 100) This evaluates to false
4 Console.Write(a + " " + y) The values 10, 5 are displayed

Visual Basic

Step Statement Notes a y
1 a = Console.ReadLine() User enters the value 10 10 ?
2 y = 5 10 5
3 If a * 2 > 100 Then This evaluates to false
4 Console.Write(a & " " & y) The values 10, 5 are displayed


Step Statement Notes a y
1 a = int(input()) User enters the value 10 10 ?
2 y = 5 10 5
3 if a * 2 > 100: This evaluates to false
4 print(a, y) The values 10, 5 are displayed

ii. For the input value of 51, the trace table looks like this.


Step Statement Notes $a $y
1 $a = trim(fgets(STDIN)) User enters the value 51 51 ?
2 $y = 5 10 5
3 if ($a * 2 > 100) This evaluates to true
4 $a = $a * 3 153 5
5 $y = $a * 4 153 612
6 echo $a, " ", $y The values 153, 612 are displayed


Step Statement Notes a y
1 a = Integer.parseInt(cin.readLine()) User enters the value 51 51 ?
2 y = 5 10 5
3 if (a * 2 > 100) This evaluates to true
4 a = a * 3 153 5
5 y = a * 4 153 612
6 System.out.println(a + " " + y) The values 153, 612 are displayed


Step Statement Notes a y
1 cin >> a User enters the value 51 51 ?
2 y = 5 10 5
3 if (a * 2 > 100) This evaluates to true
4 a = a * 3 153 5
5 y = a * 4 153 612
6 cout << a << " " << y The values 153, 612 are displayed


Step Statement Notes a y
1 a = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()) User enters the value 51 51 ?
2 y = 5 10 5
3 if (a * 2 > 100) This evaluates to true
4 a = a * 3 153 5
5 y = a * 4 153 612
6 Console.Write(a + " " + y) The values 153, 612 are displayed

Visual Basic

Step Statement Notes a y
1 a = Console.ReadLine() User enters the value 51 51 ?
2 y = 5 10 5
3 If a * 2 > 100 Then This evaluates to true
4 a = a * 3 153 5
5 y = a * 4 153 612
6 Console.Write(a & " " & y) The values 153, 612 are displayed


Step Statement Notes a y
1 a = int(input()) User enters the value 51 51 ?
2 y = 5 10 5
3 if a * 2 > 100: This evaluates to true
4 a = a * 3 153 5
5 y = a * 4 153 612
6 print(a, y) The values 153, 612 are displayed